West Coast Mexico Insurance understands that purchasing Mexico Home Insurance can be a BIG learning curve if you have never purchased this type of insurance in Mexico before!! Whether you are Buying Mexico Home Insurance for the first time or you have owned a home in Mexico for many years, these 6 important questions answered about Mexico Home Insurance will be helpful during the review & buying process.
1) How do I calculate the replacement cost of my home in Mexico?
The easiest way to calculate the replacement cost of your home in Mexico is by multiplying the square footage of the Air-Conditioned space of your dwelling structure by the cost per square foot. The replacement cost per square foot can be calculated between $100 to $350 USD. a square foot to rebuild. Factors to consider when establishing the cost per square foot will be where in Mexico your home is located and the finishing touches inside your home in Mexico.
1500 Sq. Ft. Multiplied (X) by $200.00 cost per Sq. Ft. Equals (=)
$300,000.00 USD. (Replacement Cost)
2) When calculating the replacement cost of my Home in Mexico, do I include the land value?
Mexico Home Insurance policies do not provide coverage for land value. Do not include land value in the cost of the replacement of your home in Mexico.
3) What Sections of Coverage are found in a Mexico Home Insurance Policy?
- Dwelling Coverage
- Other Structures
- Personal Property or Contents Coverage
- Loss of Use
- Debris Removal
- Liability
- Catastrophic Coverages – including Earthquake & Volcanic Eruption, Hurricane, Flood, and Tsunami.
4) Is Earthquake & Hurricane Protection Included Coverage in my Mexico Home Insurance Policy?
YES, however Catastrophic Coverages such as Earthquake & Hurricane Coverage is optional Coverage and the homeowner can elect to Include or Exclude each of these coverages in their Mexico Home Insurance Policy.
5) Are Mexico Home Insurance Claims handled differently in Mexico then they are in the United States or Canada?
Claims are filed just as they are here in the U.S. or Canada, by calling the Carrier claims (800 #) direct that will be provided to you when you secure your Mexico Home Insurance policy. Once the claim has been reported and a claim number and adjuster have been assigned, we ask that our clients update our office with this important information so we can start monitoring from our end to be sure everything is moving smoothly.
6) If I already have a Mexico home Insurance policy in place now, how do I know I have the best coverage & pricing available in Mexico?
West Coast Mexico Insurance is happy to analyze your current Mexico Home Insurance policy and conduct a Complete Insurance review to be sure you are receiving the best coverage for your most valuable asset in Mexico.
US/CAN: 818 788 5353
Mexico Toll Free: 01 (800) 099 0614